The Problem of Successful Communication in the Works of N.I. Zhinkin: Author and Reader


  • Ksenia V. Mironova Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research, 9, build 4, Mokhovaya str., Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation.



N.I. Zhinkin, communicative interaction, text comprehension, reading, writing, schoolchildren.


The basis of human speech communication is the desire for self-expression, mas­tering and understanding of reality, oneself and others. It is obvious that commu­nication problems are relevant for both oral and written speech, including those expressed in artistic form. The study of communication processes took a central place in the sphere of scientific interests of the Russian psychologist and philosopher Nikolai Ivanovich Zhinkin. Being a specialist in the field of psy­chology of thinking and speech, he proposed an original approach to the study of text as an integral psycholinguistic phenomenon. To understand the problems of interaction between intellect, speech and language, he introduces the concept of a universal subject code (USC), which allows one to transform thoughts into signs, first in internal speech and then in external speech. N.I. Zhinkin was not only an outstanding theorist, but also a practitioner. He knew well the problems of modern education, therefore many of his scientific works contain recommen­dations for teachers (including on the development of oral and written speech of schoolchildren, the formation of expressive reading skills, etc.). In the arti­cle, the psycholinguistic concept of N.I. Zhinkin will be considered in relation
to the problem of communicative interaction between the reader and a literary text, and its practical significance for modern philosophy of education will be revealed.





To The 130th Anniversary of Nikolay I. Zhinkin

How to Cite

2024. The Problem of Successful Communication in the Works of N.I. Zhinkin: Author and Reader. Voprosy Filosofii. 2 (Feb. 2024), 123–127. DOI: