Digital Capitalism: Toward the Problem of Media Culture Consumption in the 21st Century


  • Vladimir A. Anisimov The School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies at HSE University’s Faculty of Humanities, 21/4, Staraya Basmannaya str., Moscow, 105066, Russian Federation.



media culture, late postmodernism, digital capitalism, consumption, identity, actorhood, commodification, fans.


The article is devoted to the description and analysis of media culture consump­tion in the digital space of capitalism. Since the digital state is not fully explored, the author poses a new kind of consumption as a philosophical problem in the logic of Jean Baudrillard and Fredric Jameson. Author begins his description by pos­ing the problem of the incompleteness of the descriptive possibilities of Fredric Jameson’s theory in this day and age of postmodernism. Using the work of Robert Hassan, the author poses the problem of identity and self, which is set by the digital state and consumption. Introducing the concept of “double commodi­fication”, the author points out that the processes of commodification described by Jameson have changed, not only through the commodification of culture it­self, but also of human desires and creativity. In doing so, the authentic self is re­placed by the actorhood of individuals in digital space, and psychoanalytic knowledge to resolve the problem of the self should be turned to psychoanalytic knowledge. Through fan studies, the author shows how consumption has been transformed in the digital age and how the individual in the digital space turns out to be only a digital sequence for the use of this sequence within marketing.





Philosophy and Society

How to Cite

2024. Digital Capitalism: Toward the Problem of Media Culture Consumption in the 21st Century. Voprosy Filosofii. 1 (Jan. 2024), 37–46. DOI: