Natural and Artificial Intelligence: Points of Contact
mind, intelligence, thinking, knowledge, cognition, artificial intelligence, non-duality, duality, integrity, big data technology, deep learning, consciousness, unconscious, intensionality, artificial intelligence systems.Abstract
The study concerns the problem of the natural intelligence specificity which is correlated with the prenatal stage of mind forming. At the same time, only those aspects of the system’s functioning are the subject of consideration in research that become visible from the methodological perspective. These are the modes of non-duality and integrity of the very space of existence, in which not only the main potentialities of natural intelligence are laid, but the peculiarities of the contents that have their source in a given period are established also. When person becomes conscious such contents (and mechanisms for their provision) move into the unconscious sphere. However, they continue to influence the entire universe of human cognition in a significant way: they determine not only the nature and styles of thinking, but also set the cognition’s dynamics that are permissible in such a space of opportunity. In a generalized form, these contents can be characterized as intensional ones, while contents with which the dissociated mind of technocratic culture adult person deals are mainly extensional. Artificial intelligence, that has no knowledge of a non-dual mode of becoming, deals with the extensional facet of the natural mind modeling. To make an approximation to the potentials of natural intelligence functioning more achievable, it is proposed to modify the structure of artificial intelligence systems’ “experience” by adding a mode of free navigation in the space provided for data analysis. Also it seems useful to modify the concept of rationality, by expanding it with two types of contents, whose genesis was correlated with non-dual-holistic mode of the mind functioning.