Fundamentals of the Theory of “Language” in the Bilateral Consensus. Stalin’s Marxism and Problems of Linguistics from the Standpoint of the Communicative Model Part I


  • Andrey V. Vdovichenko Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1, b. 1, Bolshoi Kislovskii per., Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation; Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of the Humanities, 23b, Novokuznetskaya str., Moscow, 115184, Russian Federation.



semiotic impact, language, speech, grammar and vocabulary, Stalin, Marxism and Problems of Linguistics, Marxist-linguistic consensus on language, communicative model of word-containing semiosis, traditional ideas about language, cognitive state, consciousness, criticism of the language model.


In Joseph V. Stalin’s work Marxism and Problems of Linguistics (1950), a num­ber of general issues of the theory of the verbal process are touched upon, the in­terpretation of which is generally consistent with traditional (including modern quantitatively predominant) linguistic views on the phenomenon of “language”. The consensus is observed in several positions that arise as a result of theoretical simplification (inaccurate metaphor): 1) “language” exists as objective verbal forms, constitutes a unity that ensures communication between people and which can be an object of study and description; 2) “language” is grammar and vocab­ulary; 3) “language” is connected with thinking; there are no thoughts without “language”; 4) “language” is a common property for a given collective (nation, people), “language” unites all those who speak it; 5) “language” is a mystical (“magic”) object. This article proposes a critique of the Marxist-linguistic con­sensus from the point of view of the communicative model. A simplified model of a word-containing semiotic process is the result of excessive attention to the verbal substrate (“words”), of an attempt to present verbal units as self-orga­nized semantic-formal modules responsible for everything that happens in the field of communicative meaning (sense) formation. As a result, a theoretical construct “language” is created, designed to save researchers’ a priori attitude to the matter of words (which, at the right moment, when confronting with reality, is casuistically replaced by “speech”, which, however, is also verbal). The ineffi­ciency of “language” (and “speech”) lies in the imposition of its own action on verbal “bodies”, while the generation of meaning in natural word-containing communication is entirely carried out by the complex personal impact of the semiotic actor.





Philosophy and Science

How to Cite

2023. Fundamentals of the Theory of “Language” in the Bilateral Consensus. Stalin’s Marxism and Problems of Linguistics from the Standpoint of the Communicative Model Part I. Voprosy Filosofii. 7 (Jul. 2023), 104–118. DOI: