Human Being in Russia: Counterpoints of the Historical Voyage of the “Philosopher’s Ships”


  • Ludmila A. Bulavka-Buzgalina Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1, Leninskie Gory, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation.



“Philosopher’s Ships”, Marxism, alienation, subject of History and Culture, de-alienation, human being.


The author shows the socio-philosophical context of the “Philosopher’s Ships” phenomenon and the contradictions of social existence that brought it to life. The dialectic of the struggle of ideas and socio-political confrontations is re­vealed; in particular, the contradiction between cultural and philosophical mean­ing of the “Philosopher’s Ships” and ideological and political confrontation be­tween religious Russian philosophy and Marxism. The intersection of the ideas of religious philosophy and humanistic Marxism within the framework of the central idea of personality development and their opposite in the socio-historical vision of the role of a human being is emphasized. The “Philosopher’s Ships” as a so­cio-cultural phenomenon today, in the XXIst century, despite the fact that it is an independent cultural space that does not directly intersect with the space of social relations, when turning to the study of the essence of social being and social consciousness, turns out to be closely interwoven into the fabric of social contradictions of the material world and the spiritual world. And the center of this “interweaving” there was and remains a person in his social being and spiritual (self)consciousness. For Russia of the last century, these problems have become especially significant: the historical “voyage” of our society has been and is taking place in the space-time of endless transformations, the philosoph­ical reflections of which are purely contradictory, which in a multifaceted refrac­tion reflected the fate of the “Philosopher’s Ships” in its unfinished voyage.





Russian Philosophy of the 20th C. and its Impact in the World Intellectual...

How to Cite

2023. Human Being in Russia: Counterpoints of the Historical Voyage of the “Philosopher’s Ships”. Voprosy Filosofii. 7 (Jul. 2023), 24–34. DOI: