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Digital Authoritarianism: Conceptual Foundations and a Model of Legitimation


  • Mаksim V. Yakovlev Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1, Leninskie Gory, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation.



machine algorithms, internet, cyberspace, model of legitimation, noopolitik, network authoritarianism, philosophical foundations, digital authori­tarianism, digital transformation


One of the important effects of digital transformation is the expansion of digi­tal authoritarianism, which causes a noticeable transformation at all levels (global, national, local) in different socio-political systems. The article defines the concept, philosophical foundations, and model of legitimation of digital and network authoritarianism. The author substantiates the thesis that intel­ligent technical systems in autocracies support, first of all, the inviolability of the regime on the basis of control over big data, exploitation of sado­masochistic tendencies in society, propaganda through new media and social networks, mechanisms of instrumental and pragmatic consent. Together, these tools create a specific interface of the digital world the emblems of which are passivity and fear, and the installation is a blind belief that what is happening is the norm. It is suggested that as a result of the expansion of authoritarianism in cyberspace, many citizens are forced to independently protect themselves and their property by digital means such as VPN technologies and “onion rout­ing” or using a Hidden Network (Darknet). The digital confrontation between ordinary users and the ruling class (for example, in the form of street protests organized through social networks and messengers) intensifies at the intersec­tion of virtual and material realities. Reflection on these phenomena allows us to give well-founded answers to the questions about the nature and direction of digital transformation in the sphere of state and law, to make reasonable forecasts, to help the public understand the grounds and methods of controlling influence by which the government is held, which programs the consciousness and behavior of citizens.






Philosophy and Society

How to Cite

2022. Digital Authoritarianism: Conceptual Foundations and a Model of Legitimation. Voprosy Filosofii. 8 (Aug. 2022), 45–54. DOI: