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Postmodern as a “Non-object”. On Criticism of Ontology and Language of Postmodern Self-identification


  • Alexander V. Rubtsov Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 12/1, Goncharnaya str., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation



postmodernity, postmodern, postmodernism, object, non-object, non-existent objects, syntax, semantics and pragmatics of the postmodern language, binary oppositions, metanarratives, neoclassicism, post-postmodernism


The article considers the internal contradictions of the popular attitude, accord­ing to which postmodernism as such, in principle, “is not an object” (current, style, school, etc.). At best, it is assigned a set of intentions and conditions that characterize the “situation of postmodernism”. However, in postmodernism it­self, which rejects binary oppositions, the concept of an object is generally elimi­nated. In traditional logic, on the contrary, there is nothing that could not be an object in its proper and strict sense. These inconsistencies are generated by the forced mixing of languages – the inevitable inclusion of postmodern dis­course in traditional contexts. The semantic distinctions of the concepts of post­modernity, postmodern, postmodernism are introduced. The invariance of post­modernism as an object is revealed only at the level of form, including the basic characteristics of the language – its syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Language collisions continue in the relationship of the paradigms themselves. Modernity turns out to be a project, not only unfinished (Habermas), but also unfinishable, and postmodernity is a purely secondary phenomenon in its initial reactivity. This sets the limits of what is possible in the new search for a way out of post­modernism into post-postmodernism, neoclassicism, after-postmodernism, etc.






History of Philosophy

How to Cite

2022. Postmodern as a “Non-object”. On Criticism of Ontology and Language of Postmodern Self-identification. Voprosy Filosofii. 1 (Jan. 2022), 134–147. DOI: