Zeng Gofan’s Contribution in Literary and Philosophical School of Tongcheng


  • Ekaterina A. Konstantinova Institute of Philosophy, Saint Petersburg State University, 5, Mendeleevskaya Liniya, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation




Zeng Gofan, school of Tongcheng, Confucianism, literary, philosophical thoughts, Han Yu, policy of “self-stengthening”


Zeng Gofan had made a great contribution to the Tongcheng School, had found the points of convergence with western concepts and formed his own philosophi­cal system applying ideas of Confucianism, Taosism and Buddism. Along with the ethic, textual criticism and studying literature, as an innovator, Zeng Gofan had also identified the forth area in the philosophy of science – the theory of government management. He suggested that the dispute between Han and Song Confucianism will be depleted, if it is recognized that they are complementary. Neo-Confucianism and the thought of Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming dynasties, that Zeng Gofan viewed through the lens of his own experience, had made a great contribution in forming his philosophical sys­tem. The participation of Zeng Gofan in the policy of “self-stengthening” influ­enced the definition of the Tongcheng school’s place in the historic process. His firm position on his country’s development path, on multiplying its capital, on the strengthening of logistics base and improvement of education, had be­come a strong base for forming Tongcheng School’s thoughts. Departing from classical assumptions Zen Gofan’s adherents continued the transition of Tong­cheng’s School adding new ideas and anchored the Literary and Philosophical school in the history of the country.






History of Philosophy

How to Cite

2021. Zeng Gofan’s Contribution in Literary and Philosophical School of Tongcheng. Voprosy Filosofii. 9 (Sep. 2021), 208–218. DOI:https://doi.org/10.21146/0042-8744-2021-9-209-218.