Религиозная проблематика в творчестве М. Хайдеггера и феноменология религии: взаимосвязи и параллели


  • Tatiana S. Samarina Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 12/1, Goncharnaya str., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation.




M. Heidegger, R. Otto, S. Freud, religion, phenomenology of religion, philosophical phenomenology, philosophy of religion, religious studies, the Holy, fear, horror, mysticism.


The article analyzes Martin Heidegger’s idea of creating a special phenomenol­ogy of religion at an early stage of his work, which was obviously inspired by the fashion for the study of religion, which was also caused by R. Otto’s The Holy. It is proved that some of the philosophical ideas of early M. Heideg­ger, especially in his The Phenomenology of Religious Life, are in tune with Otto’s thought and are close to the phenomenological tradition of religious stud­ies. But late M. Heidegger departs from these ideas, using the category of Holy as applied to the study of artistic and poetic creativity. Further, the article ana­lyzes the existential of horror, which plays a significant role in the second stage of M. Heidegger's work, which is also in many ways similar to the description of the characteristics of numinous feeling by R. Otto. The article separately ana­lyzes the specifics of the two concepts Angst and Furcht, for this purpose paral­lels are drawn with the works of S. Kierkegaard, S. Freud, G. van der Leeuw. It is suggested that the proximity of R. Otto’s and M. Heidegger’s approaches to this issue is more due to the cultural context than to direct influence, and it does not provide sufficient ground for a serious convergence of the phenomenology of religion and the ideas of M. Heidegger’s philosophy of the period of Being and Time. Although this does not deny the fact that some phenomenologists later turned to the philosophy of M. Heidegger, seeing it as a support for the construc­tion of their theories.






Philosophy, Religion, Culture

How to Cite

2021. Религиозная проблематика в творчестве М. Хайдеггера и феноменология религии: взаимосвязи и параллели. Voprosy Filosofii. 9 (Sep. 2021), 173–183. DOI:https://doi.org/10.21146/0042-8744-2021-9-173-183.