Philosophy of E.V. Ilyenkov and the Ideological Specifics of Russian Philosophy


  • Rustem R. Vakhitov Ufa University of Science and Technology, 32, Z. Validi str., Ufa, 450076; Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, 1, Kosmonavtov str., Ufa, 450062, Russian Federation.



E.V. Ilyenkov, Russian philosophy, anthropologism, the problem of personality, “a system of three bodies”, criticism of vulgar materialism, criticism of individualism


The article is devoted to the work of the outstanding Soviet philosopher Evald V. Il­yenkov (1924–1979). E.V. Ilyenkov was in his views a Westerner, a “Soviet
European” (A.M. Maidansky). Nevertheless, some researchers point to parallels between his work and the work of A.S. Khomyakov, V.S. Solovyov, I.A. Ilyin, B.P. Vysheslavtsev and see him as a Russian philosopher. The proposed article discusses the issues of the relationship between national philosophies and world philosophy, the peculiarities of Russian philosophy, the relationship between idea­listic and materialistic lines in it, and most importantly, whether E.V. Ilyenkov can be considered a Russian philosopher. In a polemic with the Dutch historian of philosophy E. van der Zweerde, who denies the existence of Russian philoso­phy, the author of the article shows that national philosophies exist, and it is their development that enriches world philosophy, which expresses the dialectic
of the latter. Representatives of different cultures and civilizations view the main problems of philosophy in different ways. Russian philosophy is characterized by an interest in man, in existential and ethical issues, criticism of individualism, an apology for community, and social harmony. In this sense, Ilyenkov is a Rus­sian philosopher. His focus was on the problem of personality. Ilyenkov’s anti-individualism, based on his complex philosophical theory of personality, also led to his criticism of philistinism, bourgeoisism and positivism, which is quite rightly inscribed in the context of Russian philosophy. This brings Ilyenkov closer to the representatives of the idealistic branch of Russian thought.





History of Russian Philosophy

How to Cite

2025. Philosophy of E.V. Ilyenkov and the Ideological Specifics of Russian Philosophy. Voprosy Filosofii. 2 (Feb. 2025), 92–104. DOI: