Semantical-semiotical Richness of Forms of Meaning-generation: Philosophical Approach


  • Tatyana S. Lapina Independent Researcher, Moscow, Russian Federation.



meaning, meaning-generation, verbal meanings, human and value dimension, the principle of Platonism, virtual conversion of human existence, gradations of social history.


The article examines the foundations and criteria of adequate meaning-making. The reduction of meaning to its human and value dimensions, the conjugation of practical sobriety of assessments with a reference to an ideal beginning are considered. The types of verbal semantic forms are explicated and characterized: unique semantic formations; semantic typical generalization entities, including nominal semantic entities; semantic virtual spaces; virtual semantic conversion of human existence; philosophical and semantic humanization of the universe. Thanks to meaning-making, social existence is reproduced and re-experienced, and social history and the life paths of human individuals and generations appear in social relief. The versatility of man as a generic being and the versatility of his connections with the world are considered as the most important sources of se­mantic equipment of people, that is, actual manifestation in social contexts from one or another angle of perception. The onto-epistemological, existential, social significance of verbal meanings are revealed.





Philosophy, Culture, Society

How to Cite

2024. Semantical-semiotical Richness of Forms of Meaning-generation: Philosophical Approach. Voprosy Filosofii. 2 (Feb. 2024), 34–43. DOI: