“Philosophy across Boundaries” (towards the Upcoming 25th World Congress of Philosophy)


  • Marietta T. Stepanyants Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 12/1, Goncharnaya str., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation.




World Philosophical Congress, Eurocentrism, Americanocentrism, cosmopolitanism, globalism, anti-globalism, multicultural philosophy, traditional culture.


The author of the article asks the question: is there a contradiction between the stated theme of the XXV World Philosophical Congress (Rome, 2024) “Phi­losophy beyond borders” and the principle of cosmopolitanism mentioned in the congress program documents? Indeed, in modern socio-political discourse, this principle is associated rather with the apology of globalism than with the recognition of the urgent need to promote and defend plurality of ideas, uni­ting ideas, traditions of the peoples from all the continents and regions. Consi­dering the evolution of the concept of cosmopolitanism from antiquity to moder­nity, as well as the regional Soviet and post-Soviet history of its comprehension, the author comes to the conclusion that the identification of the concepts of “globalism” and “cosmopolitanism” comes from their superficial interpreta­tion. A deeper look at the problem makes it possible to identify the essential dif­ference between the phenomena denoted by these concepts, as well as positive and negative aspects in each of them. The author draws the opinions of leading modern foreign and domestic philosophers who answer the questions: what should be the philosophy of the future, a philosophy that has outgrown the restric­tions once imposed by its Eurocentric definition; what role does philosophy play in solving global problems of our time. The role of cultural dialogue and intercul­tural philosophy in solving the problems of the modern world is emphasized.






How to Cite

2024. “Philosophy across Boundaries” (towards the Upcoming 25th World Congress of Philosophy). Voprosy Filosofii. 2 (Feb. 2024), 5–13. DOI:https://doi.org/10.21146/0042-8744-2024-2-5-13.