The Subject and Main Directions of Modern Philosophy of Economics
philosophy of economics, methodology of economics, economic science, reason, mind.Abstract
The modern philosophy of economics in Russia and in the West is devoid of unity: its representatives differ in the definition of the subject of the philosophy of economics, and in the various existing definitions, the “philosophical” part is poorly represented and is often replaced by the methodological one. This study is an attempt to form a holistic view of the subject field of modern philosophy of economics. In our work, we used comparative and historical methods, a systematic approach. The purpose of our work is to define the boundaries of the subject field of modern philosophy of economics. We describe the main historical stages in the development of the philosophy of economics in Russia and abroad, as well as the views of economists and philosophers on the subject of the philosophy of economics. The general conclusion is that the modern philosophy of economics is a study of the methodology, ethics and epistemology of economic science, within the boundaries of which the subject of this area of knowledge is determined. At the same time, the Russian version of the philosophy of economics differs from its Western version in the degree of institutionalization and the level of development of the philosophical problems of economics.