The Ideal of Beauty in the Life of Science (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow)


  • Irina A. Gerasimova Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 12/1, Goncharnaya str., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation.



aesthetics of the life of science, truth, goodness, beauty, cognitive evolution, evolution of science, engineering, intellect, transcendent feeling.


The devotee of Beauty Nikolai Ivanovich Kiyashchenko believed that the aes­thetic should permeate all spheres of life and any work. He thought of Beauty as the basis of a high culture and, accordingly, a worthy development of a person, a harmonious co-evolution of a person, society and nature. Researchers have re­peatedly raised the topic of beauty in science in literature, but with a new itera­tion of scientific, technical and cultural development, the concept took on new meanings. Plato did not think of the ideal of beauty separately from the ideals of goodness and truth, which is reflected in the concept of good. The idea of a synthesis of thought, word and action passes through many cultures. In the an­cient Russian mentality, good as an ethical aspect of thought at the level of its origin (thoughts) was conveyed through the concept of justice – “direct knowl­edge of the truth”, an impulse that originates in the depths of the heart and does not require proof. Modern transitional era proposes a leap in cognitive evolution: from the differentiation of cultural spheres to their convergence on the path of dialogue, interpenetration, and the emergence of synthetic forms of creativity. The aesthetics of life of science returns to the origins of the synthesis of science, art and religion, but on a new basis. The concept of post-non-classical rationality by V.S. Stepin leads to synthesis, which implies a wide dialogue between science and non-scientific forms of cognition and experience, cementing the space of creative contacts. The objective aspects of beauty are embedded in the funda­mental categories of natural science. In a technogenic civilization, science aes­theticizes its tools. Thought in action is realized in engineering, design, ecodesign.





Aesthetics in Life and Theory: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. In memoriam of N.I. K

How to Cite

2023. The Ideal of Beauty in the Life of Science (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow). Voprosy Filosofii. 8 (Aug. 2023), 74–77. DOI: