Nishida Kitarō’s An Inquiry into the Good: Modes of Overcoming the Empirical Oppositions


  • Anton S. Romanenko Pushkin Leningrad State University, 10, Petersburgskoye shosse, Pushkin, Saint-Petersburg, 196605, Russian Federation.



Nishida Kitarō, pure experience, An Inquiry into the Good, conceptual opposition, inner structure of the text, equivalence.


The paper identifies and characterizes the main modes of overcoming the dual oppositions in the text of An Inquiry into the Good (Zen no kenkyū, 1911) by Nishida Kitarō (1870–1945). The author's attention is focused on the analysis of the first section of the work, devoted to the exposition of the doctrine of pure experience. One of the most notable features of the inner structure of the text is the presence of a wide range of opposing conceptual units between which a re­lation of equivalence is established: “subject/object”, “mind/will”, “thinking/​
experience”, “truth/falsehood”, etc. The author identifies two main modes of overcoming these oppositions in the text: 1) by means of a third concept, the neutralizing term, which mediates the establishment of equivalence relations; 2) without the mediation of the neutralizing term. The neutralizing terms form a nominative series: “pure experience”, “fact”, “intellectual intuition”, etc. Ac­cording to the character of the equivalence established between the concepts, the following modes of removing the oppositions are distinguished: 1) revealing the essential identity of the phenomena; 2) finding the attributive similarities; 3) reducing the opposition to a quantitative (relative) difference. Neutralization of oppositions in the text is characterized by: a) the tendency towards totality, universality (on the level of the inner structure of the whole text all the elements of oppositions become potentially equivalent to each other); b) the inclusion of neutralizing terms in opposition of a different order (the same conceptual unit can play the role of both a neutralizing term and an element of an opposition). Such structural features of the text are due to the content of Nishida's doctrine of pure experience, which implies a progression towards a unity of reality that excludes the possibility of conceptual description.





Philosophy and Culture of Japan

How to Cite

2023. Nishida Kitarō’s An Inquiry into the Good: Modes of Overcoming the Empirical Oppositions. Voprosy Filosofii. 7 (Jul. 2023), 196–202. DOI: