Yu.M. Lotman’s Semiosphere and V.S. Stepin’s Cultural Universals in the Context of the Study of Collective Memory
Interdisciplinary approach, cultural universals, semiosphere, collective memory, Lotman, Stepin.Abstract
The author of the article considers the actual problem of the methodological foundations of the interdisciplinary approach in modern humanities through the prism of comparing two different concepts of the phenomenon of culture. One of them is presented in the works of Yu.M. Lotman, whose research methods can be described as structural-semiotic. The second concept grows out of the works of V.S. Stepin, who mostly used scientific and philosophical methodology in his study of culture. Carrying out a comparative analysis of both approaches and the corresponding theoretical constructions, the author of the article notes that the content of the main concepts of the two concepts – cultural universals, sociocode, semiosphere, cultural text – demonstrates the presence of common tendencies of Lotman and Stepin in their attempt present the cultural continuum as something integral, systemic. At the same time, it becomes obvious that, in developing their concepts, both Stepin and Lotman assigned an important role to the mechanisms of collective memory. Thus, their works become consonant with modern European studies of this issue, and also continue the Russian philosophical tradition. The conclusions presented in the article are of methodological significance for philosophers and humanities scholars (philologists, culturologists, psychologists, political scientists) in the course of interdisciplinary research work of which the problems of collective memory are becoming increasingly relevant today.