Philosophy Is Not the Ideology


  • Svetlana S. Neretinа Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 12/1, Goncharnaya str., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation.



philosophy, ideology, consciousness, beginning, world, society, stereotype, nature, action.


Defining ideology as an interindividual system of stereotypes, which appears in the form of mimicry as a universal requirement of being, the author considers it to belong to people who show the ability to reason. A person, consciously car­rying out an act, at the same time does not realize all of himself in it, much of what he does, he does not consciously, does what is hidden from him. The es­sence of man and the essential things that are or are not realized in him are not explicitly represented in the consciousness of man. Often a person quite con­sciously applies certain given regulations in practice, without subjecting them to critical analysis. By carrying out this implicit, or not realizing what is accepted without reasoning and doubt, a person loses not only the philosophical pathos given to him by nature, but also his human nature, for he is called homo sapiens. Since “thinking” presupposes at the same time “acting”, then handing over an action to another person means a philosophical desertion committed by both those who act without thinking and those who think without acting. “Thinking” implies, at the same time “acting”. Refusal of action or its delegation to others (transferring the action to another person) destroys thinking. This is the destruc­tion of the thinking ability, this is a philosophical desertion committed by those whose thought flows only into action and by those who do not act and therefore do not think





Philosophy and Ideology

How to Cite

2023. Philosophy Is Not the Ideology. Voprosy Filosofii. 5 (May 2023), 70–74. DOI: