Philosophy of Russia in China (2007–2022)


  • Ma Yinmao Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 5, Jianguomennei str., Dongcheng qu, Beijing, 100732.



China, Russian philosophy, Soviet philosophy, religious philosophy, Eurasianism, Marxism, scientific cooperation, translation of philosophical litera­ture.


The article provides an overview of the Russian philosophy studies in China over the past 16 years. In addition to the Russian religious philosophy and Marx­ist philosophy that traditionally enjoyed attention in China, research was also conducted in such areas as philosophy of culture, social philosophy, philosophy of science and technology, ethics, Eurasianism, political philosophy of Russia. The priority belongs to the philosophical thought of Nikolai Berdyaev, Lev Shestov, Vladimir Solovyov, Nikolai Fedorov, Semen Frank and Fyodor Dosto­evsky. In addition to historical and philosophical works on Marxism in Russia and the USSR, many works have been devoted to the interpretations of Marxist philosophy by modern Russian scientists, such as Ivan Frolov, Teodor Oizerman, Evald Ilyenkov, Aleksandr Buzgalin et al. The directions and priorities in the study of Russian ethics, philosophy of science, philosophy of culture, philosophy of language are outlined. Narodniks movement and Slavophilism remain impor­tant areas of research; Eurasianism enjoys great attention. The philosophy of An­cient Russia and Russian Orthodoxy are presented in general and special works and translations. The article describes the activities of the Learned Society of Philosophy of Russia. Among the scientific events, a special place is assigned to the biennial All-China Academic Conference on the Philosophy of Russia. In the field of scientific cooperation between Russian and Chinese researchers, lecture series read by Russian scholars in China and Chinese scholars in Russia, as well as joint research projects are described. In the final Section, the problems exist­ing in the research of Russian philosophy in China are indicated.





Chinese Philosophers Write About Russia and Russian Philosophy

How to Cite

2023. Philosophy of Russia in China (2007–2022). Voprosy Filosofii. 4 (Apr. 2023), 138–155. DOI: