Philosophy of Physiology


  • Juri V. Natochin I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 44, Thorez prosp., St. Petersburg, 194223, Russian Federation.



general and particular, criterion of difficulty, levels of organization, physiology of personal freedom, mind and emotion, integrity.


The article deals with the key issues of philosophy in physiology, one of the ba­sic sciences of natural science. The problem of the particular and the general is discussed using the example of the ratio of individual cells, organs in the forma­tion of the functions of an integral organism; the relevance of the individual is especially significant in the current trend towards the analysis of huge data sets (big data). The criterion of complexity is analyzed by comparing individuals per­forming physiological functions, from unicellular organisms to huge animals. The similarity of the morpho-functional organization of objects in physiology, linguistics, computer science, technical systems has been revealed. In the evolu­tion of living organisms, an internal environment was formed in which cells live. Physiological systems provide homeostasis – the constancy of the physical and chemical parameters of the fluids of the internal environment, which requires a philosophical understanding of the standard in living organisms in comparison with the physical constants of the surrounding world. The question of personal freedom in its physiological understanding is discussed. The philosophical prob­lem is analyzed, why everything happens the way it is and not otherwise. The conclusion is devoted to the relationship between reason and feelings in their philosophical and physiological senses.


2022-12-31 — Updated on 2025-02-07




Philosophy and Science

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