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The Universal Dimensions of Mysticism


  • Natalia S. Zhirtueva Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations, Sevastopol State University, 33, Universitetskaya str., Sevastopol, 299053, Russian Federation



comparative religious studies, mysticism, transcendental and mate­rial, whole, space, time, mystical and intuitive cognition, consciousness, psycho-practices.


In the article mysticism is considered as a multidimensional phenomenon in the unity of four dimensions that make up its universal beginning. The onto­logical dimension of mysticism forms a world picture in which the world is re­garded as the Whole and One. Mystical experience is always an experience of unity, as a result of which social and biological time slows down, space loses its multidimensionality and hierarchy. The epistemological dimension of mysti­cism presupposes the development of an irrational mystical and intuitive cogni­tion that forms an integral picture of the world and overcomes the subjective and objective attitude to it. An enlightening consciousness and the experience of mystic light are the results. The anthropological (psychological) dimension of mysticism means overcoming self-centered consciousness through a series of psycho-prac­tices which is dangerous outside the mystical context. Mystical experience
develops higher needs, feeling of love, compassion, joy, gratitude. There is a change in the existential state of man. The social and historical dimension characterizes mysticism as a phenomenon that was developed from an ascetic form to an integration one, balancing between “moving away from the world” and “returning to the world”. It possesses powerful resources of influence on so­ciety and at the present stage should affirm the significance of both the transcen­dental and material worlds, help humanity understand their close relationship and the danger of their opposition. Each dimension of mysticism must be consid­ered in close connection with modern scientific picture of the world.






Philosophy and Religion

How to Cite

2022. The Universal Dimensions of Mysticism. Voprosy Filosofii. 10 (Oct. 2022), 193–203. DOI: