Supramoral Trilogy of the Two-sided Kingdom of Shadows in the Philosophy of Cosmism (N.F. Fyodorov)


  • Alexander A. Onosov Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 27/4, Lomonosovsky prospect, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation.



N.F. Fyodorov, supramoralism, cosmosophy, common cause, other world, mundane world, hell, heaven, purgatory, two-sided world.


The article examines a thematic fragment of the religious and philosophical her­itage of the founder of the philosophy of cosmism N.F. Fyodorov (1829–1903). In the context of supramoralism, an attempt is made to semantically reveal the reli­gious and mythological ideas associated with the phenomena of the other world. The peculiarities of the concepts of Hell, Paradise, Purgatory, which in cosmosophy are two-sided expressions of “another being” and, at the same time, express the ac­tive-Christian principle of the ontological transformation of the world, is disclosed. The meaning of the images of the no-geographical land of Ophir and the sacred Pamir Mountain used by the thinker, is revealed. Using the logical and ethical appa­ratus of supramoralism, Fyodorov uncovers the extreme inconsistency of the idea of a dichotomically split structure and irreversible polarization of the other world. In the active-Christian topology of the two-sided world projected by cosmosophy, there is neither hell nor heaven, there is only purgatory. The spatial-temporal transpo­sition of the Kingdom of Shadows used in the philosophy of the common cause ac­quires the meaning of the active-historical redemption of humankind, which alerts the threat of catastrophic eschatology announced by the Apocalypse.





History of Russian Philosophy

How to Cite

2022. Supramoral Trilogy of the Two-sided Kingdom of Shadows in the Philosophy of Cosmism (N.F. Fyodorov). Voprosy Filosofii. 10 (Oct. 2022), 98–110. DOI: