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On Philosophy Circles with Felix Mikhailov


  • Gennady V. Lobastov Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoye Shosse, Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation.



logic, method, conversion, labor, dialectics, beginning, a priori, apo­dicticity, concept, conscience, being and nothingness, integrity, language, Self.


In the article, in the form of a co-reflection with Felix Mikhailov, two internally related problems are revealed: the beginning of human existence and the logical form as a condition for analyzing the beginning. Setting himself the task of re­vealing the nature of the logical beginning and thereby showing the nature of the creative process, Mikhailov is looking for answers in a wide space of sci­ence, in various philosophical concepts, in logical positivism, existentialism, and psychology. Here he is looking for the principles of logical thinking, it’s a priori forms and apodictic character. Reflecting on these searches, the author of the ar­ticle critically analyzes the methodological dead ends that arise here. In particu­lar, Mikhailov’s idea of the initial beginning of the construction of cultural and historical human existence – the so-called “concept of conversion” – has no ade­quate theoretical justification, the argumentation is based on existential and psy­chological content rather than on a logical form. The author of the article actua­lizes and analyzes these problems, wishing to show the productivity of appealing to the work of a prominent Russian philosopher who awakened a wide range of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical issues.






History of Russian Philosophy

How to Cite

2022. On Philosophy Circles with Felix Mikhailov. Voprosy Filosofii. 9 (Sep. 2022), 182–192. DOI: