Концепция «логики смысла» А.В. Смирнова и философия сознания (материалы «круглого стола»)
logic of sense, process logic, substance logic, philosophy of consciousness, epistemology.Abstract
In February 2022, a “round table” was held to discuss the concept of the “logic of sense”, elaborated by A.V. Smirnov in a number of monographs and articles. The participants focused their attention on the following questions:
• What are the implications of the thesis about the possibility of initially variable ways of sense-positing?• What philosophical conclusions are implied by non-universality of European reason and non-universality of philosophy in its European version?
• What are the epistemological perspectives of logic of substance and logic of process?
• Do we recognize the variability of the ability of judgment, i.e. variability of methods of subject-predicate linking, modifying Kant’s thesis postulating its invariance?
• Is P-logic possible as an organon of probative thinking?
• If all the big cultures are based on specific logics of sense-positing, will then the philosophical culturology and typology of big cultures be a study of consciousness in its variability and typological completeness?
• Is a philosophical study of non-Western cultures indispensable to philosophy of consciousness?
The discussion opened up prospects for further research on this issue. The round table proceedings are published below.