Metaphysics of Company Towns: Space vs Time


  • Maxim V. Fomin Institute for Demographic Research – Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 6/1, Fotievoi str., Moscow, 119333, Russian Federation.
  • Olga V. Bezzubova2 Saint Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21st Line, St. Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation.



company town, space, time, transindustrialism, uncertainty, utopia, heterotopia, singularity, spatial development, city-forming enterprise.


The study examines the spatio-temporal model of “company town” and the pe­culiarity of Russian mono-settlements chronotope. In the context of the change of phases of the post-industrial era and transindustrialism, the features of the “continuum” as a space-time transition are considered. Taking into account the acceleration set by the coronavirus pandemic, the necessary change in the para­digm of attitude to company towns is correlated: from outdated – existing to progressive-realistic. The author emphasizes the importance of the evolution of productive forces, coupled with the city spatial development, while maintaining social organization, creating opportunities for economic independence, encour­aging private initiative, real protection of rights and property, and the consistent development of real self-government.





Philosophy, Culture, Society

How to Cite

2022. Metaphysics of Company Towns: Space vs Time. Voprosy Filosofii. 4 (Apr. 2022), 37–46. DOI: