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Interaction and Boundaries of Social, Biological and Cosmic Types of Reality


  • Vadim M. Rozin Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences, 12/1, Goncharnaya str., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation.



reality, nature, life, sociality, space, consequences, pandemic, ecolog­ical crisis, whole, complexity.


The article examines three main types of realities (social, biological and cosmic), which came into interaction at the planetary level, giving rise to negative conse­quences (environmental crisis, pandemic, etc.). The author raises the question of the reasons, pointing to two main ones. The first is the understanding of nature, the concept of which allows you to describe scientifically only one type of real­ity (cosmic); life and social relations were then reduced to this reality. The sec­ond reason is the design nature of the mind and culture of modernity, provoking not only the complication of realities, but also negative consequences. A scheme of the genesis of these three types of realities is proposed, based on two posi­tions, namely, that only one reality (cosmic) was the original and that within the limited whole planet there was a complication of reality and the formation of a new type of reality (biological, and then on its basis – of social one). At the same time, the author shows that the formation of a new type of reality occurs not according to the logic of development, but according to the logic of forma­tion. The analysis of formation presupposes the allocation of the prerequisites for a new whole and its constitution as a new formation. Examples are given to con­firm this logic. On the basis of the proposed scheme of genesis and analysis of the three main types of reality, the opposite discourses (project mind and nature) are considered in the works of Plato and Aristotle, as well as I. Vernadsky and A. Losev. In conclusion, it is suggested that at the present time, the formation of the fourth type of reality, called by the author “anthropo-activity-technical”, is taking place; this idea suggests itself under the influence of the analysis of the Internet, mobile communications, robotics and a number of other new forma­tions.






Philosophy and Science

How to Cite

2022. Interaction and Boundaries of Social, Biological and Cosmic Types of Reality. Voprosy Filosofii. 2 (Feb. 2022), 94–105. DOI: