Meaning-constitution Problems in the Digital Culture’s Horizon


  • Julia S. Morkina Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 12/1, Goncharnaya str., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation



meaning-constitution, culture, society, artificial intelligence, actor-network theory, intersubjectivity, micro-level approach, macro-level approach


Meaning-constitution and creativity processes in contemporary culture have ob­viously been changed under the artificial intelligence’s conditions as “natural-ar­tificial intelligence” system starts to contribute to creativity as meaning-constitu­tion and creativity processes. Аrtificial intelligence seems to be a relatively young actor in the human culture. Its conceptual framing as well as its philo­sophical contribution to meaning-constitution processes requires special research efforts. Search for the new ways of meaning-constitution conceptual framing in conceptual culture’s horizon, is consists of different actors including artificial intelligence facilities, already posed numerous epistemological and ethical prob­lems, is the purpose of the present research. Research strategy and meaning-con­stitution analysis requires to separate meaning-constitution approaches in con­temporary research tradition on micro- and macro-levels. As for micro-level approaches to consciousness are concerned, I arrive to the conclusion, that artifi­cial intelligence contribution in creativity processes requires macro-level ap­proach to contemporary culture. I am trying to analyze artificial intelligence – within the framework of the macro-level approach – as a special actor, sophisti­cated phenomenological contemplations and B. Latur’s actor-network theory be­ing relevant to the study of this subject matter.





Philosophy, Culture, Society

How to Cite

2021. Meaning-constitution Problems in the Digital Culture’s Horizon. Voprosy Filosofii. 12 (Dec. 2021), 78–89. DOI: