Meaning-constitution Problems in the Digital Culture’s Horizon
meaning-constitution, culture, society, artificial intelligence, actor-network theory, intersubjectivity, micro-level approach, macro-level approachAbstract
Meaning-constitution and creativity processes in contemporary culture have obviously been changed under the artificial intelligence’s conditions as “natural-artificial intelligence” system starts to contribute to creativity as meaning-constitution and creativity processes. Аrtificial intelligence seems to be a relatively young actor in the human culture. Its conceptual framing as well as its philosophical contribution to meaning-constitution processes requires special research efforts. Search for the new ways of meaning-constitution conceptual framing in conceptual culture’s horizon, is consists of different actors including artificial intelligence facilities, already posed numerous epistemological and ethical problems, is the purpose of the present research. Research strategy and meaning-constitution analysis requires to separate meaning-constitution approaches in contemporary research tradition on micro- and macro-levels. As for micro-level approaches to consciousness are concerned, I arrive to the conclusion, that artificial intelligence contribution in creativity processes requires macro-level approach to contemporary culture. I am trying to analyze artificial intelligence – within the framework of the macro-level approach – as a special actor, sophisticated phenomenological contemplations and B. Latur’s actor-network theory being relevant to the study of this subject matter.