From Homo Economicus – to Homo Sapiens
civilization, man, global problems, technology, material production, simulated needs, economic rationality, noonomy, self-realization, creative activity, solidarity.Abstract
The challenges and global problems facing humanity urgently need to be addressed. Will new technologies become a means of exacerbating these problems and will they have a destructive impact on the nature of man himself? There is such a risk. However, new technological advances simultaneously open up opportunities for solving these problems. The transition to a new industrial society of second-generation based on the growth of knowledge-intensive production makes it possible to expand the satisfaction of human needs while reducing the burden on the natural environment. But for this to happen, there must be a shift in people’s motivation, a shift away from the pursuit of material goods driven by economic rationality and the satisfaction of false needs inflated by the market, and a transition to a non – economic mode of production – noonomy. This shift is possible, of course, not on the basis of “persuasion” or compulsion to asceticism, but on the basis of objective changes in the conditions of human existence: his exit from direct material production, his transition to creative activity, the expansion (on the material basis of the production system of the next generation) of opportunities to meet his reasonable needs. People themselves will set limits to their needs, focusing them not on the absorption of the greatest possible amount of goods, but on the conditions of their self-realization. It is on this path that it is possible to solve the urgent problems of development – both of civilization and of human personality – and to mitigate social conflicts on the basis of objectively increasing socialization of society and on the ideological platform of solidarity, and, in the future, to eliminate their causes.