The Language of Religion and the Language of Religious Studies


  • Igor N. Yablokov Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 27/4, Lomonosovsky av., GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation



religion, religious complex, religious consciousness, the language of religion, religious studies, the language of religious studies, national languages of religious studies, interlanguage communication


The article deals with one of the important issues of the theory of religion – the issue of the language of religion and its relationship with the language of re­ligious studies. The language of religion is understood as a sign system that in­cludes linguistic units – words (names), compound naming conventions, phrase­ological units, sentences – which have religious meanings. Words (names) of the language of religion mean hypostatized beings, properties, connections, transfor­mations, as well as real objects, persons, actions, events with attributive proper­ties. The language of religion is a means of coding religious thinking, objec­tification and expression of religious consciousness, a means of religious communication. The language of religion is semantic and symbolic. The linguis­tic expression of religious consciousness is characterized by a certain syntag­matic, which is a set of syntactic intonation-semantic units. In these units, words, phrases, sentences and phonation, alliteration using techniques of sound expres­siveness are combined into semantic integrity. In the language of religion, satu­rated with analogies, words are often used allegorically; texts are replete with metaphor; allegories, archaisms, historicisms, antonyms are widely used. This language is characterized by emotional and evaluative tension, recitation, a pecu­liar intonational style, constant and multiple repetitions of the same linguistic units. Thanks to a language, religious consciousness turns out to be practical and effective, it becomes both social and individual reality. The language of religious studies is interpreted as a “language of the second order”, as a “metalanguage” of the language of religion. The article shows the need of correlating the mean­ings of the corresponding names in different national languages of religious stud­ies in the process of interlingual communication of scholars who represent dif­ferent national cultures






Philosophy and Religion

How to Cite

2021. The Language of Religion and the Language of Religious Studies. Voprosy Filosofii. 10 (Oct. 2021), 145–152. DOI: