Discreteness of Space and Its Consequences


  • Аnatoly М. Shutyi Ulyanovsk State University, 42, L. Tolstogo str., Ulyanovsk, 432970, Russian Federation.




discrete space-time, quantum of space, quantum of time, space connectedness, speed of light, elementary particles, mass


Based on the general principle of the unity of the nature of interacting entities and the principle of the relativity of motion, as well as following the requirement of an indissoluble and conditioning connection of space and time, the model of a discrete space-time consisting of identical interacting particles is proposed as the most acceptable one. We consider the consequences of the discreteness of space, such as: the occurrence of time quanta, the limiting speed of signal propa­gation, and the constancy of this speed, regardless of the motion of the reference frame. Regularly performed acts of particles of space-time (PST) interaction en­sure the connectivity of space, set the quantum of time and the maximum speed – the speed of light. In the process of PST communication, their mixing occurs, which ensures the relativity of inertial motion, and can also underlie quantum uncertainty. In this case, elementary particles are spatial configurations of an excited “lattice” of PST, and particles with mass must contain loop struc­tures in their configuration. A new interpretation of quantum mechanics is pro­posed, according to which the wave function determines the probability of de­struction of a spatial configuration (representing a quantum object) in its corresponding region, which leads to the contraction of the entire structure to a given, detectable component. Particle entanglement is explained by the appear­ance of additional links between the PST – the appearance of a local coordinate along which the distance between entangled objects does not increase. It is shown that the movement of a body should lead to an asymmetry of the tension of the bonds between the PST – to the asymmetry of its effective gravity, the es­tablishment of which is one of the possibilities for experimental verification of the proposed model. It is shown that the constancy of the speed of light in a vac­uum and the appearance of relativistic effects are based on ensuring the connec­tivity of space-time, i.e. striving to prevent its rupture.






Philosophy and Science

How to Cite

2021. Discreteness of Space and Its Consequences. Voprosy Filosofii. 9 (Sep. 2021), 132–141. DOI:https://doi.org/10.21146/0042-8744-2021-9-132-141.