The New Role of Knowledge in Process of Movement to Noonomy Reflection on the book Noonomy: Trajectory of Global Transformation by Sergei D. Bodrunov
Noonomy, the second-generation New Industrial Society, NBIC technologies, knowledge intensity, man of culture, factitious needs, precarity, geopolitical conflicts.Abstract
In modern conditions, the global problems facing humanity have moved from the space of theoretical discussions to the space of practical issues that require immediate solutions at the level of individual countries and the world community as a whole. These changes are associated with a new technological revolution in social production, which is being discussed today not only by theoretical scientists, but also by chief business practitioners and political leaders of the most influential countries of the world. Fundamental alterations are also taking place in the social stratification of society. The article discusses the theory, which can explain the social system arising in the course of these transformations – Noonomy conception, created by Sergey D. Bodrunov. An analysis of its constituents is presented, as well as contingent ways to attain this state of social system, including formation of the second-generation New Industrial Society (NIS.2), socialization of the social life, the new industrialization, based on the integration of science, education and manufacture. Reflecting on Bodrunov’s works, author gives an account of his own thoughts about possible future scenarios, with challenges, that may appear before mankind in close perspective, among those. The paper is a proposal to discuss problems concerned with global transformation of modern society, which were emphasized by the Noonomy theory creator.