The Meaning as a Subject of Interdisciplinary Studies
meaning, interdisciplinary approach, axiological psychology, institutional matrix, mesoanalysis, linguistic personality.Abstract
The paper discusses the interdisciplinary studies of the meaning. Being a difficult object to analyze, the meaning could be considered as an «intermediate» between the micro-level of individual consciousness and the macro-level of social institutions. The paper shows the possibilities of sociological and psychological paradigms in the analysis of the meaning as a unit of language consciousness. Thus represented, the meaning is a traditional subject of psycholinguistics. The meanings changeable in time are captured in the results of mass associative experiments. The paper studies the special properties of the meaning, such as «openness» at the same time to the individual minds and to social institutions; external conditionality of consistency; bimodality, or autopoiesis, which is the ability to simultaneously be an element and a principle of system organization. Due to these properties of the meaning it is possible to combine psycholinguistic methods with approaches from other sciences, as well as to use an integrative methodology. The paper demonstrates the possibilities of interdisciplinary approach from the perspective of the sources of the meanings, including social actors, social institutions or individuals.