Existence of State as a Value Problem in Political Realism
political realism, state, value, Morgenthau, Waltz.Abstract
The article is focused around ontological status of state in modern political realism. It seems that possibility of moral evaluation depends on the existence of the evaluated object. Only the real objects can be fully valuable. The article demonstrates that theoretical abstraction of social world can function as values only by being the ends that have to be fulfilled. The notion of state plays crucial role in realist theory, while states themselves are basic units of international system. This puts the state in an ambivalent position. On the one hand realists view state as a mere theoretical abstraction without proper existence. On the other hand state acts as a value in analysis of statesmen motives. The author claims that realism, being an “understanding” social theory, is stuck between scientific and political value systems. This problem is possible to solve by splitting the concept of state (and related notions), based on the context of its usage.