Image of India in Social Thoughtof the Bengal Renaissance
social philosophy, the Bengal Renaissance, image of India, Discovery of India, tradition, culture, history.Abstract
A process of creation of India’s image by the Bengal Renaissance intellectuals (from Rammohun Roy to Rabindranath Tagore) is analyzed in the article based on phenomenological approach and hermeneutics of the thinkers’ texts. A phenomenon of invention of native country’s image is a special result of ‘Discovery of India’ (Jawaharlal Nehru’s term) in many-sided interaction with Other, first of all the West. The process is the intellectual construction of a whole conception on India as ‘our own’ geographical and civilizational space with general tradition, culture and history. A use of comparative, historical and axiological methods along with ‘ideal type’ (M. Weber) method allows to invent two-fold image of ideal and real India. The ideal one unites meanings of India’s being in history, the goals of human, society and culture, the real image opens a number of problems, evils and failures in the present social life and in history, along with real dignities and achievements. The Bengal thinkers have created ‘imaginary’ (B. Anderson) India in their representations, as attractive by her humanity, tolerance and peacefulness; with high goals of harmony, morality and love. The ‘ideal’ in India was detected first of all for the compatriots as a base for self-respect and dignity and secondly for the entire world. ‘Reality’ in India had appealed active change and constructive work for social renaissance.