Musical Time: Philosophical– Aesthetic and Musicological Concepts of the 20th century


  • A.V. Makina


time, chronos, рulsation, rhythm, musical time, time “experienced”, “an image of time”, time-becoming, pure duration, number, chronoarticulation, rhythmical transformation, polyrhythm, structure


The author examines a peculiar dialogue of aesthetical and musicological concepts of time suggested by outstanding philosophers, aestheticians, musicologists and composers of the XX century – Alexey Losev, Gilles Deleuze, Alan Marsden, Carl Dahlhaus, Mikhail Arkadiev. The article also deals with the interpretation of rhythm in the work of modern innovative composers, such as Igor Stravinsky, Oliver Messiaen, and Pierre Boulez.

Author Biography

  • A.V. Makina

    кандидат искусствоведения, преподаватель кафедры хорового дирижирования, Пермь



Philosophy and Culture

How to Cite

2022. Musical Time: Philosophical– Aesthetic and Musicological Concepts of the 20th century. Voprosy Filosofii. 7 (Jan. 2022), 73–79.