Возвращение к дару: контуры рефлексивной культуры дара в современном мире


  • Сергей Ячин


gift, ethics of generosity, ethics of creativity, gift economy, gift culture, reflexive culture, border of cultural environments, metaculture


Many aspects of the gift concept attract attention nowadays. The logic of the gift is seen as an alternative to the society of total consumption. Modern research in the logic of the gift highlights two main aspects: the ethics of generosity, and creativity. While the ethical aspect of the gift dominated in the archaic era, the modern conditions make the personality fulfill its creative potential. In the modern age we see the gift as a culture-forming act or as the creative personality ethics. Creative persons make their contributions to the development of culture, but it happens only when they find themselves on the border of cultural environments. The ethical and the aesthetic aspects of the gift can be combined only reflexively. The culture, which reflexively accepts as its foundation the gift in the unity of the creative and the ethical, can be defined as metaculture.

Author Biography

  • Сергей Ячин

    Доктор философских наук, заведующий кафедрой философии Школы гуманитарных наук Дальневосточного федерального университета






How to Cite

2014. Возвращение к дару: контуры рефлексивной культуры дара в современном мире. Voprosy Filosofii. 9 (Oct. 2014), 33–41.