Картезианские штудии Поля Валери
Paul Valéry, René Descartes, Jean Paulhan, “Œuvres”, “Cahiers”, written work as a false, fabricationAbstract
Paul Valéry’s ‘Cartesian studies’ (the five essays on Descartes) were written and published between 1925 and 1943. They were included into the first volume of his postmortem “Œuvres” (Pleyades’ series). The author examines ‘Cartesian studies’ from the point of view of “literature as a false” (“une œuvre est toujours un faux”). How could it happen that Descartes, very important figure for Valéry, became the personage of the poet’s work, and in what way could it change the image of Descartes himself?
History of Philosophy
How to Cite
2014. Картезианские штудии Поля Валери. Voprosy Filosofii. 9 (Oct. 2014), 156–169.