Worldview and ConceptualMethodological Foundations of the Interpretation of the Phenomenon of Nomadism
nomadism, culture, civilization, peace, people, spirituality, philosophy, ontology, values, religion, mythology, oral poetry, the Turkic world.Abstract
The nomad’s world spawned profoundly peculiar mythology, which includes not only the
realization of their originality and difference from all the others, but the sharp contrast nomads
values and stereotypes of their culture to culture, values and customs of sedentary agricultural
peoples. The article shows that, in accordance with these settings there were become relatively
autonomous, typologically uniform habitat for migratory habits of the complex features of the
economic and cultural activities, habits, customs, attitudes and ethnic identity of the Turkic nomadic peoples, including the formation of the society of national identity Kazakhs
How to Cite
2013. Worldview and ConceptualMethodological Foundations of the Interpretation of the Phenomenon of Nomadism. Voprosy Filosofii. 3 (Mar. 2013), 39–48.