History and Space. Destruction of Temporal Historicity.


  • V.I. Molchanov


space, spatiality, time, temporality, history, historicity, causality, teleology, morphology, world, ideology, fate


Space is considered as a main concept of subjective as well as of objective history. Husserl’s and Heidegger’s attempts to introduce temporality as the main feature of consciousness, human existence, and historicity are critically revised. Heidegger’s concepts of space and world undermine his attempt of the total temporalization of all human actions and states. History as a science describes various spaces – geographical, economical, and political, etc. History as events and human actions is a permanent formation and transformation, distribution and redistribution of spaces and places that become signifi cant for various communities and individuals.

Author Biography

  • V.I. Molchanov

    доктор философских наук, профессор Российского государственного гуманитарного университета





Philosophy and Society

How to Cite

2013. History and Space. Destruction of Temporal Historicity. Voprosy Filosofii. 7 (Aug. 2013), 24–36.