The Ethos of Creativity and Status of Engineer in Post-Industrial Society


  • V.V. Kochetkov
  • L.N. Kochetkova


post-industrial society, engineer, status, elite, the creative class, ethos


This paper analyzes the changes in the system of social stratifi cation in post-industrial society that result in decrease the status of traditional trades as an example the engineering profession. The authors justify the view that the needs of the economy of knowledge put a premium on creative class, who through his ethos, undermines the legitimacy of the current elite. The article also provides practical recommendations to improve the social status of the engineering profession in modern Russian society.

Author Biographies

  • V.V. Kochetkov

    кандидат философских наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Центра прав человека Российского государственного социального университета

  • L.N. Kochetkova

    кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры философии, политологии и социологии Московского государственного института радиотехники, электроники и автоматики (технический университет)






How to Cite

2013. The Ethos of Creativity and Status of Engineer in Post-Industrial Society. Voprosy Filosofii. 7 (Aug. 2013), 3–12.