Encyclopedia of Russian Philosophy As Scientific Project
encyclopedia of Russian philosophy, unity and diversity of Russian thought, Russian philosophy in abroad, historiography of Russian thought, national peculiarity of Russian philosophy.Abstract
Press conference of the authors and editors devoted to the Third edition of Encyclopedia Russian Philosophy had been held at January 21 in International press-center of MIA Rossiya-Segodnya [Maslin 2020]. Philosophers – authors of Encyclopedia, members and guests of Zinoviev club, journalists took part in the event. Among the speakers were: full member of Russian Academy of Sciences A.A. Guseinov, Editor of Encyclopedia, professor Emeritus of Moscow State University M.A. Maslin, director of the publishing house “World of Philosophy” P.P. Aprishko, editor-in-chief A.P. Polyakov, vice-director of Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences A.V. Chernyaev, executive director of Zinoviev’s Center V.A. Lepekhine [Press Conference 2020]. The article is devoted to analyses of encyclopedia as philosophical genre reflected the statue of philosophical knowledge in Russian culture and it’s social and cultural resonance. The significance of this publication for the modern world philosophical community lies in the fact that the authors sought to bring together and present different opinions about Russia's intellectual culture and capture a holistic image of Russian philosophy in the variety of its key directions.