Metaphysics of Being of Information


  • Vladimir A. Yakovlev Department of Natural Faculties, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University,27/4, Lomonosovsky av. GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation.



metaphysics, ontology, science, being, anything, information, program, paradigm, creatives, synergetic, theory, matter, life, consciousness


In article the metaphysics of being of information is considered and her cat­egorical status. The concept of information plays an especially important role in cognitive disciplines – neurology, cognitive psychology, sociology and arti­ficial intelligence theories altogether forming the scientific basis of new epi­stemology. Information is understood as the objective reality perceived by the subject by means of touch bodies which it fixes and comprehends by means of various semantic pro-positions, logical-mathematical operations and calculations, using it in various communicative practices for achievement of the purposes. On the basis of philosophical traditions of interpretation of cat­egory of life and various interpretations of this abstract concept of modern nat­ural sciences the new understanding of category of life as a basic metaphysical concept of science is offered. The philosophical bases of the theory of creative participation of the person in events of the Universe the famous American physicist-theorist J.A. Wheeler who put forward the thesis “all from Bit” (It from Bit), the information paradigm of the universe developed by the prom­inent modern philosopher L. Floridi. It is demonstrated that the origination and evolution of all objects takes place due to the existence of specific information programs that express the fundamental creativity of the nature. The statement that the category of life in modern interpretation both in natural-science, and in sociocultural aspects expresses life of information, or the information life presented in unity of three spheres of reality – matter, lives and consciousness (reason) is proved.






Philosophy and Science

How to Cite

2021. Metaphysics of Being of Information. Voprosy Filosofii. 2 (Feb. 2021), 117‒125. DOI: