Principle of Interval Knowledge in Science Methodology


  • Elena B. Agoshkova Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI»,5, Professor Popov str., Saint Petersburg, 197376, Russian Federation



theory of knowledge, сognition by parts, epistemological universum, abstraction, abstraction interval, condition interval, content interval, concept meaning, informational fullness of knowledge


The article discusses the Principle of Interval Knowledge designed to fill the gap in the methodology of science, associated with the problem of the knowledge boundaries. Over the course of half a century, several versions of the Intervality Principle have been created, different interpretations of its notions have arisen, in­cluding the key concept of “abstraction interval”, but they encountered a number of contradictions. Therefore, the task arises of creating a unified concept and in­troducing precise definitions. The author shows that overcoming contradictions is possible on the way of studying the meaning of introduced notions. This meaning should be correlated with the goal of the intervality concept: to reflect the birth of partial knowledge under the conditions of total restrictions of all components in­volved in the creation of knowledge. The article provides definitions of interval notions, formulation of the Principle and interpretation of the key concept “ab­straction interval”. The author believes that the expansion of the notion of “inter­val” allows accepting it as a generic concept for all types of restrictions. The crite­rion for the meaning of a key concept is the requirement of informational completeness of knowledge representation. Then the concept of “abstraction in­terval” can be understood as a complete informational characteristic of knowledge about a fragment of reality and the conditions for its creation. Two comple­mentary concepts are introduced: “conditions interval” and “content interval”. The author shows that the essence of the Principle consists of asserting condition­ality of the content interval by the conditions interval. The introduced refinements remove the contradictions between different directions and lead to the creation of a unified interval concept.






Philosophy and Science

How to Cite

2021. Principle of Interval Knowledge in Science Methodology. Voprosy Filosofii. 2 (Feb. 2021), 87‒99. DOI: