Hermann Cohen as an Actual Thinker. BOOK REVIEWS.
I. Kant, H. Cohen, neokantianism, a priori, experience, mathematics, mathematical natural science, the unity of consciousness, thing in itself, the deduction of a priori categories, continuity, infi nitesimal calculus.Abstract
The recent Russian translation of Hermann Cohen’s “Kants Theorie der Erfahrung” (“Kant’s
theory of experience”) provokes refl ections on what this book gives to a contemporary reader.
This is fi rst of all Cohen’s reading of the whole “Critique of pure reason” as a theory of experience,
and also his defense of Kant’s “Critique“’s most frequently attacked points: the deduction of a
priori categories and thing in itself. Cohen’s distinction of the notions of “a priori” and “innate”
shows the way to non-classical philosophy of science and the concept of “historical a priori”.
History of Philosophy
How to Cite
2021. Hermann Cohen as an Actual Thinker. BOOK REVIEWS. Voprosy Filosofii. 1 (Jan. 2021), 154–164.