In Search of a Postulate (to the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of F.T. Mikhailov)


  • Kirill V. Sorvin National Research University Higher School of Economics



personality, reflection, Spinoza, Kant, Vygotsky, Hegel, Ilyenkov, Mikhailov, apodictic, logic, dialectics, analytic philosophy, science, postulate, epistemology, methodology.


Historical and philosophical subjects occupied a prominent place in papers of the famous Russian philosopher F.T. Mikhailov. They played the role of methodo­logical guidelines for solving relevant problems of modern humanities. The first part of the article examines the original and undeservedly forgotten solution to the problem of apodictic knowledge proposed by the philosopher. This decision is connected with the revision several ideas about the nature of the subjectivity of science. It was given by F.T. Mikhailov relying on the Kantian and Marxist traditions. In the late period creativity, F.T. Mikhailov attempted to formulate apodictic postulates to build the foundations of a “general science of man”, while focusing on Spinoza’s methodological tradition. The effectiveness of such ap­proaches has been confirmed by the development of a new theory of personality. However, was the Spinozian orientation uncontested in resolving all aspects of the problem raised? It is shown that in dealing with a number of issues, appeals to the methodological potential of Hegel and late Fichte could be more justified.






History of Russian Philosophy

How to Cite

2020. In Search of a Postulate (to the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of F.T. Mikhailov). Voprosy Filosofii. 1 (Dec. 2020), 160–171. DOI: