Algorithmic Phenomena in Nature: an Explanation Model


  • Vladimir I. Shalack Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences,12/1, Goncharnaya str., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation.



algorithm, law of nature, explanation, control, physical computation


The trend of algorithmic modeling of the phenomena of the surrounding world is gaining strength at the present time. The idea of a computational Universe has been put forward and is actively developing. All its processes are algorithmic in nature. In this regard, it is of interest to analyze the relationship between phys­ical processes described in the usual terms of the laws of nature and physical processes of an algorithmic nature. Algorithmic processes are analyzed using a number of examples. Distinctive features are: 1) a negligible probability of ac­cidentally meeting them in nature; 2) the division into steps; 3) a sequence of steps require the presence of a control (cybernetic) structure, a subject of action; 4) the functioning of the subject of action can be described anthropomorphically, as following the rules of the form “If A, perform d to start the physical process f”; 5) “breakdown” of the control structure leads to a violation of the al­gorithm, but not to a violation of the laws of nature. An algorithm in physical na­ture is a sequence of physical processes that are initiated by a control structure that acts as the subject of an action. Such understanding of a physical algorithm covers both living and non-living nature. In the human world, we find algorithms in various skills to operate intelligently with objects and create artifacts with al­gorithmic characteristics.






Computations in Cognitive and Brain Sciences: atavism, metaphor or heuristics?

How to Cite

2020. Algorithmic Phenomena in Nature: an Explanation Model. Voprosy Filosofii. 11 (Nov. 2020), 120‒124. DOI: