Analysis of the Collective Memory Formationin Professional Communitiesthrough Congresses and Round Tables


  • Rustam Yu. Sabancheev State Academic University for the Humanities,26, Maronovsky by-street, Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation



philosophical congress, community, collective memory, social groups, connective structure


The article discusses the possibility of forming a collective memory within small scientific communities through public events in the format of round ta­bles, conferences, and congresses. In many ways, scientific meetings influenced research guidelines, becoming historical events for certain disciplines. Philo­sophical congresses, in this case, are no exception: they have become a tradi­tion, which speaks of the formalization of the practice of collective memory. According to the author, not enough attention is paid to this topic today, since the very ideas of collective memory were formed in the humanitarian discourse, proceeding from the problems of social macrogroups. However, the connective structure is not unique to them. Small professional communities also have their own internal collective memory, which is, in many ways, unique, passed down from generation to generation, constructs a group identity, and needs to be stud­ied. The author finds confirmation of this thesis in modern American sociology, where the concepts of transactive memory already exist and are being worked out. The works of M. Halbwachs, P. Nora, T.G. Shchedrina, P. Berger, T. Luck­mann, etc. used as methodological sources. In addition, the author refers to spe­cific cases of the formation of collective memory within small communities, namely to the history of the Department of the Theory of Knowledge (Institute of Philosophy RAS)






Philosophical Congresses as a Factor in the Consolidation...

How to Cite

2020. Analysis of the Collective Memory Formationin Professional Communitiesthrough Congresses and Round Tables. Voprosy Filosofii. 11 (Nov. 2020), 72‒76. DOI: