Sociotechnical landscapes in optics of semiotic-digital complexity


  • Vladimir I. Arshinov Arshinov Southwestern state University, 94, 50 let Oktyabrya str., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federaion
  • Vladimir G. Budanov Southwestern state University, 94, 50 let Oktyabrya str., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federaion



network, system, complexity, observer, communication, distinction, recursion, semiosis, Pierce, digital reality, Umwelt


The article attempts to comprehend the concept of sociotechnical landscape in the optics of the paradigm of semiotic-digital complexity. Two interrelated tasks are set. First, demonstrate the heuristic capabilities of the paradigm of com­plex thinking. Secondly, to show that within the framework of this thinking the concept of digital reality must be considered as one of the dimensions of the more General concept of semiotic reality. One of the results of such consider­ation is the emerging opportunity to" rhizomatically " link the concept of so­ciotechnical landscape with the actor-network theory of B. Latour. This becom­ing (multi)reality is constructively grasped as a process by introducing the set of complexity observers as a semiotically related variety of observation operators in the sense that it is assumed by Spencer-brown in his "Laws of forms". One of the key points of the developed approach is connected with the understanding of complexity as a concatenated (Entanglement) variety of emerging realities, mul­tiplicity of possible possibilities and actual observational perspectives, and each of them can be attributed individually to its inherent semiotic temporality. The observer of complexity becomes a temporal observer of emergent processes of coevolution of the whole person, society and the environment technogenically semiotized by them. In accordance with the basic principles of thinking in com­plexity, the concept of socio-technical landscape is built, understood as a multi­dimensional, layered semiotic – digital structure of the indicated affordances. An observable in polyocular optics of thinking in complexity. The situation here is similar to that in quantum mechanics, where the observed quantum phenom­ena are inseparable from the observing system of devices and network con­sciousnesses of quantum observers of many universes.






Philosophy and Science

How to Cite

2020. Sociotechnical landscapes in optics of semiotic-digital complexity. Voprosy Filosofii. 8 (Aug. 2020), 106‒116. DOI: