Hegels concept of the speculative method and the problem of nature of philosophical knowledge


  • Vyacheslav Korotkikh


Hegel’s philosophy, speculative method, development, notion, proposition, immediate knowledge, limits of philosophy


The article discusses the most important aspects of Hegel’s speculative method: the concept
of development as a methodological model of the realization of the logical idea in “The Doctrine
of the Notion”, evolution of forms of the proposition in speculative philosophy, the speculative
ideal as a semantic completion of the “System of science” as well as Hegel’s relationship to traditional
ontology and theories of immediate knowledge. The author argues that Hegel’s concept
of speculative method fits seamlessly into his understanding of the subject of philosophy and its
place in culture.





History of Philosophy

How to Cite

2015. Hegels concept of the speculative method and the problem of nature of philosophical knowledge. Voprosy Filosofii. 1 (Jan. 2015), 126–138.