The War, Faith and Power in the Cultural Context of the Moscow Kingdom 50–70th XVII Century: Simeon Polockij and Jury Križanich
Simeon Polockij, Jury Križanich, N. Berdiaev, christian war, christian state, Moscow absolutism, war, faith, power, Tsar Alexej Mikhailovich, Tsar Feodor Alexeevich.Abstract
N. Berdyaev suggested that the Christian war as a Christian state is impossible. Texts of
Simeon Poloсkij and Yuri Križanich, two intellectuals-contemporaries with different education
and social status, sought for various reasons to serve the Moscow government, Simeon – successful,
Križanich – unsuccessfully, showed that a bunch of the war, the power and the faith
has a deep root tradition in the sacred books, with relied Simeon, and with practice of public
affairs, which are more concerned Križanich. Baroque rhetoric defi ned kontsepts of Simeon
poetry, broadcast metaphors and symbols of power remaining important in the Russian imperial
culture; Križanic from the experience of their lives and challenges of mission diagnosed, created
your own ”concepts” and gived the advice on management of the state.
KEY WORDS: Simeon Polockij, Jury Križanich, N. Berdiaev, christian