В поисках этики, или Археология Зазеркалья. Письмо к немецкому другу
ethics, etiquette, moral, success, superpersonal values, universality, principleof hierarchy, life cancellation, secularized ideology, anthological taskAbstract
In the essay M.A. Blumenkrantz refl ects on a moral situation in modern western society, on
possibility of justifi cation of universal ethical values in the conditions of disintegration of ethical
space in a set of the autonomous worlds. Function of etiquette as palliative of ethical standards
is discussed also.
Letters to Editors
How to Cite
2021. В поисках этики, или Археология Зазеркалья. Письмо к немецкому другу. Voprosy Filosofii. 1 (May 2021), 166–170.